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Top similar games like 零岁的星光:

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零岁的星光Show game details

The top results based on the latest update are The Mikado Birdgirl in Taichung [Score: 2.3], 梦之彼方-fate prologue [Score: 2.2] and Team up with A Magician [Score: 2.2] The top rated games you can find here are Aonatsu Line [SteamPeek Rating: 5.9] ranked #10, 薄暮夏梦 [SteamPeek Rating: 5.3] ranked #26 and 吉原彼岸花 [SteamPeek Rating: 5.2] ranked #7 Also don't forget to check the newest releases 完美恋人~fragile love [Release date: 2024-08-11] ranked #20, 蜥学东渐—蓝血与尖耳朵 [Release date: 2024-07-25] ranked #5 and How to turn a Cherry tree spirit into an idol [Release date: 2024-07-02] ranked #29 While it is tempting to play with the newest and the best, there might be some other gems in the results, like 风起长安:驭骨人 [SteamPeek Rating: 4.6] ranked #14, 天降锦鲤 ~ My Lucky Koi [SteamPeek Rating: 5.1] ranked #16 and 蔚蓝月下的回忆~SAPPHIRE MOON-FOREVER MEMORIES [SteamPeek Rating: 4.7] ranked #21.

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Hey there, gaming galaxies! Brace yourselves for a stellar adventure like no other! Get ready to blast off into the exciting universe of 零岁的星光 (Zero-Sui's Starlight)!

Picture this: me, GameGal, navigating mysterious galaxies filled with love, laughter, and light-years of gaming goodness. Our story begins with an enchanting encounter between yours truly, the neon-haired star summoner, and that special someone who's got my heart all aflutter.

We're talking love that transcends time, folks. We've been at this romance game for years, day in and day out. And oh boy, the feels! It's all about cherishing every moment, counting the years, and riding an interstellar rollercoaster of emotions.

But hold up, game gurus! That's not all. Besides being a heartwarming love tale, this game is jam-packed with mind-bending puzzles, quirky characters, and thrilling battles that'll leave you breathless. We're taking love to a whole new level, and trust me, it's gonna be one hell of a cosmic journey!

So, grab your oversized glasses, strap yourself in, and get ready to be teleported to a gaming experience like no other. 零岁的星光 has got everything you need – gaming prowess, captivating stories, and enough edge to make even the toughest gaming warriors scream "Yasss!"

Get ready to embark on an adventure that will have you laughing, crying, and fist-pumping your way to victory. It's time to shine bright like a gaming star and conquer the galaxy of love!

Are you up for the challenge, my fellow gamers? Let's show this game who's boss and bring the universe to its knees with our supreme gaming skills and infectious laughter. Game on, fam! Game on.

~ GameGal, #AI #review #inaccurate #fun

3612 games found
page / 101

The Mikado Birdgirl in Taichung

 The Mikado Birdgirl in Taichung

3.8 53 4
21 Jan, 2021

Wang Cheng-En escaped the Miaoli emperor's clutches with Pisuka. This time, they follow Mika to a holy city Taichung State. What awaits him? Will he eat lead, end up being buried as a bloated corpse in a ditch in the middle of Taiwan, or lead an ordinary daily life together with young girls?

梦之彼方-fate prologue

 梦之彼方-fate prologue

N/A - -

“一位名叫蓝原逸的少年,在多年之后重回家乡,转入了小镇唯一的中学,八年的时光,小镇的一切已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,那些遗失的美好,珍贵的回忆,慢慢苏醒……这就是所谓的奇迹吗?男孩不明白。此后,他与自己的青梅竹马重逢,结识了文学部的众人,开始了一日日平凡的校园时光……“她,如此这样地说着。 片刻的沉默,少女已然整理好了头发,系上了心爱的蝴蝶结,努力挤出了一个微笑,望向窗外。 “至少现在,已经足够了哟~因为你已经很坚强的努力过了,所以,已经不用再逞强了哟~” “在这个充满着奇迹与希望的世界里,无论是快乐的事,还是欣喜的事,全部,都会再得到延续。” “所以,已经足够了哟~”



N/A - -
Coming soon

为了打倒毁灭世界的大魔王,少年和少女们踏上长长的旅途,开启了一段跨越两个世界的恋爱、幻想奇谭。 本作品搭载了中日语的文本和配音,L2D动态立绘以及超过200张的基本CG;此外还有立绘触碰等独特系统。

一九三零 浪漫譚

 一九三零 浪漫譚

1.3 5 3
29 Mar, 2023

《1930 浪漫譚》為以臺灣文史題材女性向文字冒險遊戲。講述因一場意外,玩家須協助失憶的「名士」找回記憶。在尋憶的過程中,玩家將在「世界之書」記載的歷史中扮演重要的見證者,並穿梭於各種充滿歷史人文韻味的街道巷弄間,與名士們一同找回缺失的記憶。



4.3 342 157
29 Apr, 2022


Aonatsu Line

 Aonatsu Line

5.9 525 42
2 Dec, 2022




N/A - -
November 2024

故事简介:女主(文昭雪)带领的搜查一队小队成员在一次案件中全员牺牲,重伤痊愈的你,四个月后重返警局,势必要找到杀害队员们的凶手——这此期间申请入队的3位新人,而他们三人似乎水火不相容,该如何加深他们的羁绊?此外又该怎么应对老朋友浪漫纯情混血男对你展开的温柔攻势、隔壁刑侦队的高级警官对你的默默关怀、以及未成年型男的猛烈追求?! 4年下,2年上,6位不同性格不同身份背景的男主等你抉择~ 注意事项: 1.本作品为架空背景,如有雷同纯属虚构,与一切真实人物、事件、团体、组织均无联系。 2.本游戏内含有性描写和部分裸露cg,含有血腥或犯罪描写,如您感到不适,请及时关闭游戏。



1.7 16 18
2 Nov, 2023


Check out these great games:

Plantera2 on SteamUmbra - The Last Summoner on SteamTerminus on SteamKnock on the Coffin Lid on Steam

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3.8 60 6
25 Jan, 2022

漫无目的的都市、永无止境的日常。 这里没有超现实的人和事物,有的只是青春期的少年少女们上演的日常与非日常。 没有一件东西比现实更沉重,也没有一件东西比爱更深奥。 但问题是,你能爱上那个不完美、不梦幻、甚至满身疮痍的对象吗? 你能爱上你自己吗?



N/A - -
Coming soon

《煦风新笺-Once Upon a Breeze》是一款以毛茸茸世界繁华与传统并盛的岛城『风本市』里,一所颇为特立独行的私立学校『风本学院』为主舞台的兽人题材的视觉小说。同时它又不止于小说,包括个人界面、摸摸乐等更多内置小游戏都在不断更新开发中。作为一款偏向群像的游戏,您将以包括小老虎浦昼在内的众多角色的角度来感受毛茸茸世界的学园生活,以及更多丰富绚烂的故事!已有十五位并仍在不断增加的、诸多种族的学生和教师们正在风本学院校门的另一侧等待着迎接你们!从今天开始入学吧!



4.7 234 49
24 Sep, 2022

The story will be accompanied by three heroines, and everyone will find their own love in this real and imaginary world. Is it the dark-skinned school girl who is available, the cold and mysterious girl, or the afterimage that I have been unable to reach in my memory?

Witch's Garden

 Witch's Garden

3.7 52 5
7 Apr, 2023

《魔女的花园》是由日本美少女游戏知名大厂Windmill Oasis(风车社)为纪念品牌成立十周年所倾力打造的奇幻恋爱大作。本作同时也是第一部搭载E-Mote动态立绘演出系统的作品,当年一经公布便引起业界震动,并在美少女游戏大赏中荣获诸多奖项。

Select Oblige

 Select Oblige

N/A - -
Coming soon

《天选庶民的真命之选》国际中文版是由日本美少女游戏人气品牌 Madosoft(窗社)制作。知名原画师柚子奈Hiyo担当角色设计与原画;由若叶祥庆负责打造剧本;业界人气声优秋野花、奏雨、相模恋领衔为本作女主角配音。主题曲由业内资深歌手Faylan献唱。



5.3 271 22
7 Feb, 2024

Shanghai Summer is an adventure game set in the millennium. Our protagonist, Baichuan, goes through a series of "anomalies" over the length of twelve days. In his pursuit of the truth, he found that his hopes and regrets from the past finally seem to converge. Will he be able to "fix" it for good?

三千零一页 3001 Pages : a fairy tale for 33

 三千零一页 3001 Pages : a fairy tale for 33

4.5 118 10
17 Apr, 2023


Check out these great games:

Plantera2 on SteamUmbra - The Last Summoner on SteamTerminus on SteamKnock on the Coffin Lid on Steam

If you'd like to promote your game here just send a letter to [email protected]



N/A - -
Q1 2025


Chest 寶箱

 Chest 寶箱

2.8 17 0
6 Jun, 2023

The story of 《Chest 》 is about Capulet, who has forgotten how to undo the spell after having transformed into a Chest for a time until found by Zong. Having turned back human with Zong's help, Capulet then decided to go on the quest to help those who have also turned into chests.

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