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Top similar games like 帝国末日前的学院狂想:

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帝国末日前的学院狂想Show game details

The top results based on the latest update are OutcastKidsAndCity [Score: 1.5], 一九三零 浪漫譚 [Score: 1.4] and 冬日树下的回忆AFTER [Score: 1.4] The top rated games you can find here are 融雪 [SteamPeek Rating: 6.2] ranked #29, 冬日树下的回忆 [SteamPeek Rating: 5.3] ranked #32 and EXS1~EthnologySister:Cultural functionalism [SteamPeek Rating: 5.2] ranked #16 Also don't forget to check the newest releases Roommates [Release date: 2024-02-07] ranked #9, 夏之幻形 [Release date: 2024-02-01] ranked #12 and 写给妖精的情诗 [Release date: 2023-12-20] ranked #11 While it is tempting to play with the newest and the best, there might be some other gems in the results, like 蔚蓝月下的回忆~SAPPHIRE MOON-FOREVER MEMORIES [SteamPeek Rating: 4.7] ranked #14, EXS1~EthnologySister:Cultural functionalism [SteamPeek Rating: 5.2] ranked #16 and 风起长安:驭骨人 [SteamPeek Rating: 4.6] ranked #17.

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一九三零 浪漫譚

 一九三零 浪漫譚

1.1 4 3
29 Mar, 2023

《1930 浪漫譚》為以臺灣文史題材女性向文字冒險遊戲。講述因一場意外,玩家須協助失憶的「名士」找回記憶。在尋憶的過程中,玩家將在「世界之書」記載的歷史中扮演重要的見證者,並穿梭於各種充滿歷史人文韻味的街道巷弄間,與名士們一同找回缺失的記憶。



4.5 97 1
19 Dec, 2023

与我的天使——小亦,在一起去温泉山庄的路上因为身体不适决定先回家休息。 隔天还在睡梦中就被天使给摇醒...小亦?不对,言叶和小忆?你们怎么在这里?! “sensei!到底谁才是你女朋友!” 我该如何做出选择啊...!   《冬日树下的回忆AFTER》是由12PM制作的《冬日树下的回忆》免费游玩的衍生作品,讲述了原作《冬日树下的回忆》中“真结局”之后发生的故事。

梦之彼方-fate prologue

 梦之彼方-fate prologue

N/A - -

“一位名叫蓝原逸的少年,在多年之后重回家乡,转入了小镇唯一的中学,八年的时光,小镇的一切已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,那些遗失的美好,珍贵的回忆,慢慢苏醒……这就是所谓的奇迹吗?男孩不明白。此后,他与自己的青梅竹马重逢,结识了文学部的众人,开始了一日日平凡的校园时光……“她,如此这样地说着。 片刻的沉默,少女已然整理好了头发,系上了心爱的蝴蝶结,努力挤出了一个微笑,望向窗外。 “至少现在,已经足够了哟~因为你已经很坚强的努力过了,所以,已经不用再逞强了哟~” “在这个充满着奇迹与希望的世界里,无论是快乐的事,还是欣喜的事,全部,都会再得到延续。” “所以,已经足够了哟~”

Agnostic Requiem

 Agnostic Requiem

2.7 19 3
5 Nov, 2023

This is a cry of struggle amidst lies, a rebellious song composed by a girl with her life, a truth buried deep within falsehood. Making choices for girls who are sinking in helplessness and clicking the noble mouse to spread the gospel of redemption-seemingly the only hope for them in that world.



N/A - -
Q2 2024

故事简介:女主(文昭雪)带领的搜查一队小队成员在一次案件中全员牺牲,重伤痊愈的你,四个月后重返警局,势必要找到杀害队员们的凶手——这此期间申请入队的3位新人,而他们三人似乎水火不相容,该如何加深他们的羁绊?此外又该怎么应对老朋友浪漫纯情混血男对你展开的温柔攻势、隔壁刑侦队的高级警官对你的默默关怀、以及未成年型男的猛烈追求?! 4年下,2年上,6位不同性格不同身份背景的男主等你抉择~ 注意事项: 1.本作品为架空背景,如有雷同纯属虚构,与一切真实人物、事件、团体、组织均无联系。 2.本游戏内含有性描写和部分裸露cg,含有血腥或犯罪描写,如您感到不适,请及时关闭游戏。



2.2 11 2
7 Feb, 2024

You have just entered the society, and since you have not found a satisfactory job for several months, you have to share an apartment with others. Your roommates is three lovely beauties, and then you will have a wonderful journey with three roommates and the people around you



N/A - -
Q1 2025




N/A - -
Coming soon

In “My Love-Hate Relationship with My Sister”, you will play as a boy named Sima Yu who has a second-year syndrome. You will meet and get to know different girls in a humorous way, and experience school and family life. Make your own choices, experience unique stories, and reach different endings.



4.7 236 49
24 Sep, 2022

The story will be accompanied by three heroines, and everyone will find their own love in this real and imaginary world. Is it the dark-skinned school girl who is available, the cold and mysterious girl, or the afterimage that I have been unable to reach in my memory?

Check out these great games:

Terminus on SteamKnock on the Coffin Lid on SteamPlantera2 on SteamUmbra - The Last Summoner on Steam

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EXS1~EthnologySister:Cultural functionalism

 EXS1~EthnologySister:Cultural functionalism

5.2 217 9
19 Aug, 2021




N/A - -
Q3 2024

成绩不好还调皮的依露林暗恋着优等生梵逸,而梵逸和隔壁班的优等生黎羽相互产生好感,原本只是发生在普通县城普通中学的普通和青春相关的普通三角恋爱故事,却因为依露林所获得的时间回溯的能力而发生了改变 她大摇大摆的迟到并且和号称校内最严厉有着‘教头’一称的教导主任针尖对麦芒,明明完全没有复习却能够考出极为优秀的成绩,在无聊的课程中一跃而起,改变了老师们的上课节奏,把别人一辈子想要在课堂上做的事情在短时间内做了个遍 她依靠这份能力和梵逸站在了学校的同一个高度,但也因为这份能力而使得周围人们的生活出现了极大的变故,但随着时间的流逝,依露林才发现了使用这份能力的代价,并企图回到原来的世界去



2.1 8 0
9 Oct, 2023

Trapped in a Cage is a text adventure game developed by Disposable Club, where players will witness various events beyond human rationality that occur in an anti utopian prison. This is a small incision in a turbulent world, and also a brief moment of endless human nature.

Check out these great games:

Terminus on SteamKnock on the Coffin Lid on SteamPlantera2 on SteamUmbra - The Last Summoner on Steam

If you'd like to promote your game here just send a letter to [email protected]



5.3 224 5
1 Jun, 2023

《冬日树下的回忆》是由2位爱好者组成的社团“12PM”首次发布的免费原创视觉小说: 我的梦想是成为一名教师或者医生,在学业结束后我收到了来自医院的第一份工作实习邮件。在这所医院里我将担任实习治疗师(sensei)的工作,而我负责的是一位叫“言叶”的女孩。 在照顾言叶一年之后终于马上要迎来了出院的日子,但是在某晚我却听到了有关”天使“的奇怪对话,为了帮助“言叶”我开始寻找事情背后的真相……



N/A - -
Q4 2024

"The Intertwined Imprints" is a yuri visual novel that tells a story about youth, growth, and love. Due to an accident, Mei Yu was temporarily brought back to the village where she spent her childhood. She didn't think it was a good idea, but... she didn't feel like she had much of a choice.

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